Get Ahead of the Curve: Top 5 Linux Distros to Try in 2023

Get Ahead of the Curve: Top 5 Linux Distros to Try in 2023

Talk is cheap. Show me the code - Linus Torvalds

Linux is one of the most widely used operating systems after Windows and macOS. Many developers prefer Linux over Windows and macOS. As Linux is lightweight it can run older PCs as well as newer ones.

So today will be listing out the top 5 Linux distributions to try in 2022.

1. Ubuntu

Ubuntu is one of the widely used Linux distributions and is loved by many because of its stability and community support. Ubuntu is ideal for developers and those who are new to Linux prefer Ubuntu as their first choice distribution. Ubuntu is easy-to-use Linux distribution developed by Canonical a UK-based company. Ubuntu is based on GNOME Desktop Environment. Ubuntu also comes with multiple flavors like Kubuntu, Lubuntu, and Ubuntu Mate. Ubuntu comes with long-term support versions as well as short-term support versions. Many distributions like elementary OS, Linux Mint, and Pop OS are based on Ubuntu

Download Ubuntu

2. Zorin OS

Zorin OS is a Ubuntu-based distribution and is one of the most beautiful and modern-looking Linux distributions. Zorin OS promises good performance even on older laptops. Zorin OS comes with three editions Pro, Core, and Lite. Pro is a premium desktop version with a variety of layout designs supported as per your needs. The Pro version has layouts like Windows and macOS. You have to buy the Pro version while the other two are free. If you have a desktop with minimal system specs then you can go with the lite version as it's supposed to work flawlessly on older hardware

Download Zorin OS

3. Manjaro

Manjaro is a free and open-source Linux distribution based on Arch. It is also one of the widely used Linux distributions supporting the rolling-release update model and Pacman as its package manager. Manjaro also offers multiple flavors based on KDE, XFCE, and GNOME. Manjaro comes with CLI and GUI installers. It is one of the most user-friendly Linux desktops based on Arch. Manjaro is an ideal replacement for Windows and Mac users.

Download Manjaro

4. Pop OS

Pop OS is also one of the popular Linux distributions based on Ubuntu. Pop OS is highly optimized and is a powerful Linux distribution for gamers and also has support for various graphics cards and hybrid graphics. Pop has large app and software support. Users can download the required software from Pop Shop. Pop OS has a beautiful desktop user interface named ‘Cosmic Desktop’.

Download Pop OS!

5 . Fedora

Fedora is a popular open-source operating system based on the Linux kernel. It is developed and maintained by the community-driven Fedora Project, which is sponsored by Red Hat.

One of the key features of Fedora is its commitment to free and open-source software. All of the software included in Fedora is free to use, distribute, and modify, and the operating system is built using entirely open-source tools. This makes it an attractive choice for users who value software freedom and want to use an operating system that aligns with their values.

Download Fedora

Have you ever used Linux? Which is your favourite Linux distribution? Comment down below.

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